



around about self

Daniele Pozzi

It was during one of our brainstorming sessions (I believe around December 2020) that we noticed that 'autonomous systems' are often described using the prefix 'self-': self-organization, self-regulation, self-observation, self-referentiality, self-adaptation, self-sensing, self-performing, self-generating, self-determining. That's how we decided to experiment with the term: maybe the word 'self' can provide an altered access to ideas of autonomy, systems, emergence. My contribution to this experimental round is composed of two blog posts, that are somehow interwoven.

One page is a short diary in which, over the course of one week, I took notes, general thoughts and spontaneous intuitions around the term 'self'. A second page is a browser-based piece that attempts at tranposing / reinterpreting some ideas from the diary in a 'typographyc experiment'. The two pages are interrelated, and are meant to be read 'through on another'. They don't aim for closure, completeness or correctness, the intention is rather the opposite: to raise questions around the self, to initiate a process of 'opening' through the self.